The 9th CALRAs Conference: Goa, India 2023
The theme of the Conference was National Law Reform and International Cooperation.
- Conference Programme
- Conference slide
- Welcome remarks by Justice Jody Kollapen, President of CALRAs and Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
- Consultation and engagement for law reform:
- Presentation by The Honourable Anthony M. North KC, Chair, Victorian Law Reform Commission
- Paper by Professor Jumai M. Audi, Chair, Nigerian Law Reform Commission
- Presentation by Matthew Jolley, Head of Legal Services, Law Commission for England and Wales
- Legislative Drafting for Law Reform Bodies:
- Presentation by Andy Beattie, President of the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel
- Setting Up A New Law Reform Body:
- Reflections from the Seychelles by Stephan Knights
- International Cooperation on Law Reform:
- Presentation on ALRAESA by Rosemary Kumitsonyo, the Law Commissioner, Malawi
- Presentation on FOLRAC by Malcolm McMillan
- Presentation on CALRAs by Malcolm McMillan
- Report on CALRAs, by Malcolm McMillan, Interim General Secretary
- Conference photos