The Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies

Encouraging international cooperation in law reform


The Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies

Encouraging international cooperation in law reform


NEXT CALRAs CONFERENCE – Malta, April 2025

The next CALRAs Conference will be held in Malta in 2025. All interested in law reform and the work of law reform agencies are welcome.

The Conference will be held on Friday 4th April and the morning of Saturday 5th April 2025. A CALRAs AGM for members will be held in the afternoon of Saturday 5th April.

The Conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre, St Julian’s, Malta.

For further information and registration contact the CALRAs General Secretary, Malcolm McMillan, at

CALRAs Conference 2023

The 9th CALRAs Conference was held in Goa, India on Saturday 4 March 2023.

The Conference was open to members of CALRAs and to non-members, and from the Commonwealth and elsewhere.

The theme of the Conference was National Law Reform and International Cooperation.

Conference papers and presentation

CALRAs Conference 2019

The 8th biennial Conference of CALRAs was held in Livingstone, Zambia, from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th April 2019. The Conference venue was not far from the Victoria Falls, one of the seven Natural Wonders of the World.

The Conference programme focussed on practical issues for law reform (secrets of success), such as: modern law reform projects; Law Reform Agency relationships with Government; the value and cost-effectiveness of law reform; the value of legislative drafting for law reform; and implementation of law reform reports.



“Changing the Law: A Practical Guide to Law Reform” is a publication produced recently by CALRAs with the Commonwealth Secretariat. It is a ground-breaking publication.

Law is always in need of reform. To be successful, law reform must be of a high standard. This Guide is designed to provide practical assistance to users seeking to deliver high-standard law reform outcomes. Using examples and experience from around the Commonwealth and beyond, it guides users through each of the phases of a successful reform. It is the first general guide to conducting law reform in Commonwealth countries.

Download: Changing The Law
[11 Jan 2018 – 14:20 | Version 1 | Philip Chung 1.44MB]

CALRAs Conference 2015

The Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAs) is an organisation designed to encourage international co-operation in law reform.
It has the strong support of the Commonwealth Secretariat, and has been granted formal Accreditation to the Commonwealth.
CALRAs held its 2015 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April 2015.
The Scottish Law Commission assisted in organising and hosting the conference. The Scottish Law Commission is a founder member of CALRAs, and is active in promoting law reform internationally.

Papers and powerpoints presented